Monday, November 3, 2008

The Rain Told Me Certain Things I Thought I'd Never Hear.

There is so much things in life that i have yet to know. It seems like I never have enough time. I want to know people. you know? I want to know who they really are, where they come from, what are they most passionate about in life... to see the true quality of their hearts.

is that too impossible?

Like an xray vision in a matchbox world. I dont know what that means. Some people think im all play and no work. Like one of thouse kids that go to collage just to fuck around and go to parties to get drunk and get high. I think its funny. Well, and a bit insulting. But thats just me.

I'd like to live in an island.

As in the wilderness. and camp my days away. have random pet animals. Like monkeys. and jellyfishes. and be totally secluded from everything else. Just to get to know myself, and what i stand for.

Love is confusing. And sometimes hard to believe it really exists.

I know Im a passionate person. and I love myself for it.

I dont think there is anything about myself I regret. At this moment, in this point of time in my life. There might have been some really shitty things that happened to me in the past... But I dont think Im so bitter towards it as I used to be. Its... self love. I suppose. Everything that happened to me all the little things... all the experiences.. all the people... all the places.. all the little conversations... has made who I am today.

And frankly, There's no one in the world I rather be.

When things are coming to an end, we tend to panic. basic human reflex, i suppose. Its hard to embrace whats to come especially when its uncertain.

We live in a world of uncertainty. isn't that right?

I think people tend to live miserably because they try so hard to go against the flow of what is suppose to become us... of whats to come in the end of each chapter. They refuse to embrace uncertainty and chance, luck, destiny, random, serendipity... all the things that cant really be explained.

Security is a Myth.

no one is ever satisfied. It's hard to believe we all use to have nothing.
and when the little things used to be enough.

I think were all so wrapped up in what we would like to have in the future, that sometimes we forget to live.

Is it so different? To live and being alive? I think it is. Everyone would like to think they've lived their life.

I want to believe is something. I want to be able to believe in something so much that Im willing to give things up for it.

I want to go out with a bang. there was never any question you know. how we feel.

We'd all like to go through life thinking we've found the right one, met the right friends, loved the right people.

so much depend on perspective.

Can happiness be relative? Is everything relative? I say yeah. hell yeah.

Theres so many of us its hard to know where we belong. are niches already pre-made? or they appear as people realize that they're to become?

and what if theres not enough for all of us?

I want to able to think that everything was worth it.

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